Facebook has taken down a scam enticing punters with a chance to make $8,000 a month from home before linking them to an exploit kit, according to Symantec.
The kit is said to exploit vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or Oracle’s Java language, and is mostly targeting users in North America and Europe.
Ankit Singh, associate threat analyst at Symantec, said: "Facebook scams are a regular occurrence in today’s world, but attackers have become more aggressive and are now using Facebook scams to exploit a user’s system.
"It is very rare that a scam redirects to an exploit kit, but in the case of one famous Facebook scam targeting users who wanted to work from home, that was exactly what happened."
Once the kit has executed it installs the Ascesso trojan, which sends spam emails from the user’s computer and downloads other files externally.
Hackers who failed to compromise computers were also said to be making money through collecting Facebook likes or page shares.