IDC Technology Spotlight – Thriving on Customer Value: The Sales and Service Imperative
Business success today is measured in terms of value delivered to customers. Bringing front-line sales and service teams together is essential to providing superior customer experience and fueling business growth.
Digital transformation is accelerating, traditional business models are challenged, and customer needs are rising. How can you survive -- and thrive – in this outcome-based economy where customers have the freedom to choose you – or your competitor?
Download this IDC Technology Spotlight to learn how breaking down the traditional silos between sales and service teams improves customer satisfaction for competitive strength. This paper provides valuable insight into:
- How sales and service silos inhibit agility and digital transformation
- Why a unified technology solution that provides sales and service teams with a 360-degree view of the customer is critical
- The key features of a modern customer engagement platform
- How an integrated sales and service CRM increases customer loyalty, customer retention, and revenue.