DELL AMD SERVERS: Selecting a Fit-for-Purpose Server Platform for Datacenter Infrastructure
By DellThis IDC eBook provides a summary of an extensive validation process performed by IDC in collaboration with the vendorʼs teams. IDC relied on data from the vendor, as well as IDCʼs own independent research, to make the statements in this document.
This document is meant to provide a quick set of inferences and insights for IT professionals and business decision makers seeking to perform further due diligence on the capabilities of the product and/or services that have been evaluated in this eBook. However, the goal of this eBook is not to supply detailed, hands-on test plans and validation jobs. It is not meant to replace the evaluation process that most businesses will conduct before making any decision to purchase the product and/or services. It is for this reason that this eBook is designed not to be an all-inclusive document on all the capabilities of the product, but rather as a concise briefing that highlights features/functions of the product, their relative performance with respect to a traditional environment, and the value these features bring to businesses looking to solve certain problems for Hadoop workloads.
Finally, even though this eBook is a sponsored document, it is not meant to be an IDC endorsement of the product, service, or sponsoring supplier. IDCʼs opinions are its own and not influenced by the production of this document.