Microsoft Access is a data base management system.
Available as part of Microsoft Office, Access combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software development tools.
Microsoft Access is used by developers to create application software, which is a computer program designed to execute functions, tasks or activities for the user.
Used by software developers, data architects and power users, the first version of Access was released in November 1992.
How can you share Access with colleagues?
Today, Microsoft positions Access as a way to ‘create custom apps fast without being a developer’.
Positioning the software as more than just a way to create desktop databases, Access is, according to Microsoft:
“An easy-to-use tool for quickly creating browser-based database applications that help you run your business. Your data is automatically stored in a SQL database, so it’s more secure than ever, and you can easily share your applications with colleagues.”
Users can choose from a number of app templates to get started easily, while Access apps can be easily managed and monitored through a company SharePoint in a browser.