A hyperlink is a link that directs a web user to another webpage. This webpage could be a continuation or expansion of the topic in question, or a third party page relevant to the content.

Hyperlinks are usually visually noticeable as they have a different colour form the overall text. They are usually blue.

Some hyperlinks will be presented in bold and in some cases in italic.

The term hyperlink was first coined in 1965 by Ted Nelson. At the time, a hyperlink already catered the idea of a trail of information.

With the launch of the world wide web, hyperlinks proved to be popular and have since then become a common thing in most web pages, especially online encyclopaedias, news websites, blogs, etc.

When embedding a link to a web page, the user can usually choose between redirecting the reader to a new tab or if he wants the ‘current’ page to load the new page in the link.