Business conditions are good or excellent according to 53% of chief exectives who responded to a survey conducted by the American Electronics Association last month. Another 33% of the 929 respondents – out of a total approached of 2,830 – thought business satisfactory, with about 14% saying that business was poor. Moreover, some 57% indicated that the outlook for the next six months was improving, 38% said it was stable and fewer than 5% thought that it was worsening. On a six-month view, over 75% said that conditions would be better or much better, some 22% that they would be unchanged and fewer than 2% that they would worsen. Of the companies represented, 130 were in the computer segment, with consumer products firms accounting for just 14. In terms of company size, 491 of the participants headed companies with annual sales of up to $10m and 12 had sales of over $1,000m.