Microsoft has wrongly made automated requests asking Google to remove URLs of BBC, CNN, Wikipedia and other sites for violating its copyright protections.

Other sites mentioned in Microsoft’s copyright claims include the Huffington Post, Real Clear Politics,, TechCrunch and the Washington Post.

Technology firms regularly make requests Google or other sites to take down content under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

In Microsoft’s DMCA notice to Google it claimed the BBC’s Cbeebies and CBBC website infringed the Windows 8 Beta copyright.

Torrent Freak reports that Microsoft this past July listed 65 infringing websites to prevent the unauthorized distribution of its Windows 8 Beta.

In earlier filings, Microsoft had asked Google to remove Spotify and even its own Bing search engine, Torrent Freak said.

According to Torrent Freak, Microsoft and other rightsholders are censoring large parts of the internet, often completely unfounded.

In September this year, Google was asked to remove more than six million URLs.

Microsoft reportedly asked Google to censor about five million webpages during last year alone for their allegedly link to copyright infringing content.