Since Friday, a Fight Back for the Mac! Web site has collected more than 1,400 signatures on a petition to stop Larry Ellison taking control of Apple Computer Inc. But Ellison reckons that wires have got hopelessly crossed (there is as much material available on the Internet as garbage in a landfill, but somehow it seems the pieces of information that people really need to know never reach them) – and an effort by Ellison to set the record straight seems to have fallen on totally deal ears. Confirming that he wants to create a $500 Mac OS Network Computer, and noting that he has been a Mac user since 1984, he declares that the only way to save the Mac is to increase unit volume and that Big Macs – like the one you and I have grown to love – will continue. But: Networks of low cost Mac Network Computers will be sold to schools and add to the overall Mac volume. At $500 for a Mac Network Computer, more people will be able to afford a Mac – big Macs plus little Mac NCs make for good business at Apple… and better schools as well.