Carphone Warehouse has selected Automic to help it comply with payment-integration laws and deliver a new scheme.
Automic’s automation platform is supposed to help the mobile phone retailer comply with Single European Payments Area (SEPA) legislation by automating its entire direct debit system.
The automating firm will also carry out Carphone Warehouse’s Connected World Initiative, which aims to improve customer service for users.
The solution, which uses Software as a Service (SaaS), is also expected to cut direct debit failures by 90% and help users oversee the entire processing system.
David Byrne, enterprise architecture director and CIO at Carphone Warehouse, said: "We have huge aspirations for ‘Connected World’ from Carphone Warehouse. We see it as enabling retailers, original equipment manufacturers and network businesses around the globe to leverage all the expertise and processes that we have built into our operations over the last 24 years."
Craig Beddis, CMO at Automic, added: "Automating core processes to free talent for innovation while measuring up to tougher and tougher regulatory controls are recurring themes we hear across all market sectors."
Automic provides automation services to businesses worldwide in retail, telecoms and financial services.