The Newspaper Association of Brazil (ANJ), which accounts for 90% of the daily news circulation in Brazil, has confirmed its plans to abandon the Google News service and bar Google from using their content.
ANJ claims that the search giant’s news service was driving traffic away from their websites that resulted in a drop of traffic and had declined to pay for content.
ANJ president Carlos Fernando Lindenberg Neto told Knight Center for Journalism that the Google News benefits commercially from that quality content and has been averse to discuss a remuneration model for the production of these materials.
"Staying with Google News was not helping us grow our digital audiences," Neto said.
On the contrary, by providing the first few lines of our stories to Internet users, the service reduces the chances that they will look at the entire story in our websites."
Google Public Policy director, Marcel Leonardi told BBC: "Google News channels a billion clicks to news sites around the world."
According to the association, all 154 members had followed its recommendation to bar Google aggregator from using their content including O Globo and O Estado de Sao Paulo.
Excluding Google news, the association’s internet portals will still be listed by the aggregator and further content from most newspapers’ sites are still being viewed for internet users using Google.
In December 2010, the ANJ and Google had signed an agreement that the internet search show display only a line of each note, grasping reader’s curiosity, further linking to the newspaper’s original publication.