And back home in the US, AT&T has announced ISDN compatibility for its System 85 digital PABX, claiming a world first for ISDN support on a PABX. The new software makes the switch compatible with the CCITT-defined ISDN primary rate interface. AT&T says that the feature will reduce costs because it allows all digital equipment complying with the standard to interconnect. The new upgrade, which will cost $35,000 to existing users, will be available at the end of 1987. Enhancements also include improved administration and reporting capabilities on System 85’s 3B call management system, version 4 of centralised system management, a set of applications that provide customers with centralised control of their PABXs and networks, increased capacity for call record collection, storage and processing, visual maintenance and administration. The company has also introduced new 7406D digital voice terminals, at $369 for the basic model, and $550 for the model with display lists.