After a couple of years in the doldrums, the personal computer market in the US has really been set alight by the emergence of the Apple Macintosh as a serious contender for space on the desktops of corporate America, the belief that the IBM Personal System/2 may have an uphill struggle to sweep all before it, and by the emergence of powerful 80386-based AT-alikes: evidence of the renewed excitement comes from the bookings for Comdex/Fall in Las Vegas this November – Newsbytes reports that this time around, the show has attracted virtually all the industry’s big names – Apple, IBM, Tandy, Compaq, Lotus, Microsoft, Kaypro, Texas Instruments, Hewlett-Packard, Commodore, Atari, Borland, and AT&T, making it the first time for several years that all the majors have put in an appearance; altogether some 1,400 exhibitors are expected to show up.