Tseng Laboratories Inc of Newton, Pennsylvania reckons it has cracked the secrets of IBM’s Video Graphics Array for the Personal System/2, and says that it will be showing a VLSI graphics controller chip compatible at the register level with IBM’s VGA and EGA this month. According to Microbytes Daily, the ET3000 chip will also run at the BIOS level with CGA, MDA, and Hercules graphics software and also offers several advanced video functions. The 15,000-gate chip is claimed to support both interlaced and non-interlaced modes, to provide non-interlaced 16-colour displays at up to 65MHz and be compatible with the new IBM 8514 monitor. The chip provides 256 colours for displays of up to 800 by 600 pixels, exceeding the VGA’s 640 by 480 standard. It adds a third independent window with zoom, paint, and scroll functions to the IBM normal and split window capability, up to eight simultaneous fonts for text mode, and independent control of each window for true text or true graphics.