Toshiba UK yesterday announced some of its new portables – but the top-end T4100 80386 lap-top is not ready yet. The baby 80C88 T1000 comes in at UKP995 where tags as low as UKP800 had been forecast – but on the plus side it is over 22 oz lighter than expected, weighing in at 6 lb 6 oz. Toshiba is also after some of Epson’s Personalike printer business with the P3212SL 24 pin 216chps multiple font, matrix unit at UKP620. The other new boxes are the 11 lb Supertwist LCD T1200 Desktop Portable and the 15 lb T3100 FF Desktop Portable AT-alike with plasma display. The LCD T1000 has one 720Kb microfloppy, 512Kb to 1.2Mb CPU and MS-DOS 2.11 in ROM; the T1200 adds a 20Mb hard disk to the 80C86-based T1100’s floppy.