San Francisco, California-based Sonnetech Ltd must be celebrating the inclusion of International Color Consortium color matching support in Microsoft Corp’s PC ’97 requirements, which have to be met by companies wishing to sport the Designed for Windows logo when Memphis, or Windows 98, comes out. The ICC color profiles are designed to help match up colors shown on the monitor with those that end up being printed out. Sonnetech’s Colorific color calibration software, already licensed by the likes of Compaq Computer Corp, Dell Computer Corp, Hitachi Ltd, Philips Electronics NV, Sony Corp and others, has now been taken up by Samsung Electronics America, which will include the software in all of its monitors for personal computers. Sonnetech claims to have shipped over 2.8 million units of its software, mostly through OEM customer relationships with monitor, video card and printer manufacturers, although it also has a retail channel. It recently extended the product line to what it calls True Internet Color, for use when viewing or authoring images over the Web. Silicon Graphics Corp and color specialists Pantone Inc are using it in their Web development systems.