Mobile retail marketing will reach $15b globally by 2012, up 50% over 2011, as digital adspend moves to mobile and mobile coupons gain acceptance, according to new report from Juniper Research.

The report found that the smartphone and tablet have increased the capabilities of both the modern shopper and the mobile retail marketer.

Shoppers have more access to product and pricing information as marketers now are providing new marketing channels to attract the mobile shopper.

The report also found that mobile POS technology and near-field communication (NFC) proximity marketing are areas of rapid innovation.

It added that mobile retail marketing spend in North America and Western Europe is accelerating faster than in the Far East and China.

Report co-author David Snow said mobile retailing is undergoing rapid change.

"We are starting to see an ‘arms race’, as the power of the mobile channel equips both the shopper and the retailer with capabilities they never had before. Each side has to keep up with the other and gain an advantage in order to clinch the purchase transaction in their favour," Snow said.