Microsoft is planning to add Xbox Music to Apple’s iOS and Android powered devices, in addition to free streaming on Xbox Music through the Web, to take on similar services offered by Apple’s iTunes, Spotify and Pandora.

As part of the move, the software major will also offer iOS, Android users with a $9.99 per month Xbox Music Pass that provides unlimited, advertising-free streaming.

Xbox Music general manager Jerry Johnson said that the latest plan would allow connecting artists with their fans after the launch of Xbox One on 22 November.

"Xbox Music now, more than ever, powers music experiences between Windows 8, Xbox, Windows Phone, and now iOS, Android and the Web," Johnson said.

Microsoft is also working on the revamp of the Xbox Music interface by trimming down the size of cover art, while adding tabs to facilitate creation and managing of playlists.

Music lovers can access Xbox Music on a smartphone, tablet, Xbox 360 or the upcoming Xbox One video gaming console, while the online version will enable sharing of tracks with people using an Apple PC.

New features of Xbox Music, including Web Playlist tool, will be introduced upon the launch of Microsoft’s latest Windows 8.1 OS in October, while Xbox One users will also be able to play games while simultaneously listening to Xbox Music.