Film studios including 20th Century Fox and NBC Universal have requested Google remove links to messages that they themselves sent to Google.

Google receives about 20 million takedown requests (Digital Millennium Copyright Act or DMCA notices), per month, which it publishes on its site. But by making the notices available, Google could be unintentionally highlighting the location of allegedly pirated material, according to some.

The search major is said to have refused to comply with the latest requests made by the movie studios and the "infringing" notices remain online.

The DMCA notices are requests for individual web addresses to be taken down from Google’s search engine results as they incorporate material uploaded without any consent of the copyright holders.

Google has received similar notices from others including Lionsgate studio, makers of the Twilight movies and The Hunger Games, and tech giant Microsoft.

According to its transparency report, Google complied with 97% of the requests for links to material published outside copyright to be taken down from its search engine during June to December 2011.