Hackers group Anonymous has leaked personal details of more than 1,400 officials at the UN climate talks in Paris as a protest against the arrests of more than 200 peaceful climate change protestors.
The leaked personal details included names, phone numbers, email addresses and passwords of delegates from the UK, US, India, China, Germany, France which have been leaked onto a text-sharing site.
According to reports, the hackers breached into the UNFCCC website by exploiting an SQL vulnerability.
Agence France-Presse cited UN climate secretariat spokesman Nick Nuttall as saying: "I can confirm there was a hacking incident earlier this week and that has been handled by the conference’s IT security experts."
After the Paris attack the group claimed that it was able to take down 6000 Twitter accounts associated with the terrorist group, and it also accused CloudFlare of protecting pro-ISIS websites from cyberattacks.
According to recent reports, the hackers group has targeted Barack Obama’s official account, BBC News, Hillary Clinton, the White House, the US State Department, and the New York Times.