It kind of goes without saying, but I guess someone had to say it: if your staff can work equally well remotely, they won’t add to the absenteeism roster just because the UK has seen some snow. That was the revelation from ntl:Telewest Business today.
The firm points out that remote working could help businesses to continue operating despite unexpected events, such as snow.
“The British weather seems to be getting even less predictable placing greater emphasis on organisations to have a continuity plan in place to ensure that operations do not hit a standstill when the worst happens,” said Andrew McGrath, commercial director of ntl:Telewest Business. “Severe snow always means travel disruption whereby employees cannot make it in to the office – in fact, business groups have estimated that the cost of absenteeism to the economy because of this week’s snowfalls could reach £2 billion.”
“Businesses can prepare for this with a remote working policy so that employees can still be productive and continue their work, wherever they are,” McGrath addded.
Still, the many who secretly hope for heavy snow in order to get a precious day off, would be disappointed if travel chaos had little impact on their working day. Still, there’s always the option of pulling a ‘sickie’ if you are desperate to get the sledge out. Is there such a thing as ‘snow-itis’?