As expected Platinum Technology Inc, the company that has digested over thirty small software product companies over the last couple of years in pursuit of an end-to-end database and systems management solution has finally unveiled the first products to be integrated under its Poems (Platinum Open Enterprise Management Services) framework. Dubbed ProVision, the nine ‘core’ database and system management offerings include a Performance Management suite (DBVision for databases; ServerVision for systems and WireTap for networks); an AutoSys job management tool and AutoSecure ACX security; Apriori problem resolution; TSReorg database utilities; EDBA schema management; and AutoXfer software distribution. It’ll initially support Windows NT and Unix. Platinum VP marketing for ProVision, Chip McAvoy, says it will beta another nine products before the end of the year. The long-delayed ProVision is still in beta itself, and the company has yet to firm up a formal release date, but anticipates limited availability by November. It has no dates for general shipment, and says it will have its hands full concentrating on its existing Global 5000 customer base which it expects will add ProVision modules to the typical one or two point products they are already using, once they hear its story. At the core of ProVision is a central object repository for storage of systems management operational data, metadata and business rules. It includes a messaging layer for communications between products and systems, an event manager for controlling protocols and procedures between components and a console for managing the suite. It also comes with a somewhat generic- sounding integrated systems event problem resolution module. In what smacks somewhat of company revisionism, Platinum no longer refers to Poems as a framework but as a bunch of common services which translated means software code embedded within each of the point-products. The idea is to distance itself from the managing, auditing, monolithic approach of systems management types such as Computer Associates International Inc’s Unicenter, where the integrated tool is not as functional or competitive as the point product, said McAvoy. As well as its end to end mix and match systems and database management story Platinum will stress its automated integrated help desk solution. Each core product ships with a Poems Director console which can be hooked into Tivoli Systems TME – and by the end of the year Hewlett-Packard OpenView – management consoles. Platinum is still over two years away from integrating its retinue of over 60 database management products and 24 systems management programs. Commenting on its increasing fiscal burden, the legacy of its 1994-96 buying spree, McAvoy admits it is now time to reap the rewards.