Nedbank Capital, the investment banking business of the Nedbank Group, will be able to identify, measure, monitor and control liquidity risk in real-time with Aleri’s liquidity management system (LMS) platform which is supported by Aleri’s complex event processing (CEP) technology. This is the first joint contract win that has resulted from the recent partnership between Wall Street Systems and Aleri.
Aleri LMS, an enterprise-class commercial application deployed leveraging complex event processing technology (CEP), is a platform that provides views of both cash and liquid assets across the enterprise for current and future dates. The technology supports contingent liquidity risk processes with an up-to-date enterprise view of both cash positions and available liquid assets. Without a system like LMS, banks often manage short term forecasting processes from partial, sometimes balance sheet based, information which has major limitations, said Aleri.
Herve Lefevre, sales director of Aleri, said: We are delighted to have Nedbank Capital as our first customer resulting from our partnership with Wall Street Systems, set in June 2008, proving the effectiveness of the distribution model. For Nedbank Capital, as with other LMS clients, having an integrated platform satisfying the requirements of the liquidity desk as well as liquidity risk management team, in addition to cash management, was a very powerful and compelling proposition.