Showing a considerable degree of confidence in its standing and its future, the Control Data-inspired Microelectronics & Computer Technology Corp in Austin, Texas, which has most of the major US computer and semiconductor manufacturers as shareholders, has launched a research programme into high-temperature superconductivity. The co-op will seek collaborations with universities, US government agencies, and other industries, especially its own shareholders, while ensuring that no proprietary data is sacrificed. After the study phase, the programme will be organised into five projects – Superconducting Electronics Modelling; Materials Preparation and Processing; Electronics Properties Measurement; Physical and Chemical Properties Measurement; and Circuit and Device Design. Drawing on the systems analysis experience of the MCC Semiconductor Packaging/Interconnect Programme, the High Temperature Superconductivity Programme will compare the performance of systems which use Copper, Aluminium, Gold, or other alternatives, to systems using superconducting materials. Existing staff with appropriate experience will be drawn into the project, and staff with ceramics modelling expertise will be added. The programme will stress methods for fast preparation and measurement of properties of materials, so that shareholder and MCC-produced samples can be tested quickly.