Following the collapse of Dutch computer services operation Getronics NV’s bid to buy Roccade Informatica Groep (CI No 3,111), the Dutch state-owned services arm and payroll processor, IBM Corp is having a go at acquiring the company for a second time. The Dutch government initially picked Getronics over IBM to negotiate with, but talks fell apart when there were clashes between the two parties over the terms of the agreement and the cost of the purchase. Press estimates indicate Getronics bid to be around $601.3m for Roccade, a figure IBM has confirmed is double its own bid of around $300,000. When Roccade was first put up for sale six companies were asked to submit a report, on the strength of which two companies, Getronics and IBM, were selected to go forward. Electronic Data Systems Corp made it clear last year that it was interested in buying Roccade, but was knocked out in the first round selection process and has made no further noises since (CI No 2,904). The bid IBM has put forward is its original offer, the proposal still classed as active. Although IBM is keen to buy Roccade, it has had no word as of yet from the Dutch Government, but reports suggest a response will be received later next week. If a merger between Roccade and IBM, or Getronics was to occur, the combined size of the company would overtake the might of services giant EDS in the Netherlands. IBM has an existing partnership with Roccade, as does Getronics.