Hewlett-Packard Co has approved the Communications Machinery Corp Distributed Resource Node 3200 Defense Data Network Ethernet Gateway for use with the HP 9000 Unix-based technical workstation family. The CMC product will be included in Hewlett-Packard’s Information Networks Group list of approved third-party products. The list, used by the company’s sales representatives, documents third-party products that have been tested for compatibility by the company. Sales and support of the product remain the responsibility of Communications Machinery. The DRN-3200 DDN Ethernet Gateway is a high-performance network node that gives Ethernet-TCP/IP users access to the resources of the US Defense Data Net work, the US university and defence extablishment ARPAnet and compatible networks. Messages from either the Defense Data Network or Ethernet are addressed to the DRN-3200, which reformats the communication for transmission over the other network.