About 10 weeks after the company cancelled all its dealer agreements, Fortune Systems Corp announced that it had signed three more dealers to its new master dealer network. The Belmont, California, company now has 16 master dealers, well on its way to the 50 US dealers it promised to have lined up by June 1987. Two of the three new dealers sold Fortune’s Unix machines in the past: Datamax Office Systems Inc in St Louis (which will sell throughout Missouri), and Jones Business Automation Center, of Charlotte, North Carolina, (which will handle both the Carolinas) were Fortune dealers before the axe fell in early October. Computer Partners Inc, of Boise (which will sell in its home state of Idaho) is new to the Fortune family. In all, the three newly-signed dealers have promised to purchase more than $6.4m of Fortune’s 32:16 and Formula systems. Fortune Systems’ executive vice-president of marketing, Robert Davis says that the new master dealer agreements will keep anyone from yelling foul. The new agreement is much more specific and demanding on both sides than the earlier dealer contracts, he says.