TIBCO, a provider of infrastructure software, has launched its Silver Spotfire 2.0 — a portfolio of on-demand offerings enabling anyone with an Internet connection to create, publish and share customised business intelligence (BI) dashboards and advanced analytics applications via the cloud.

Silver Spotfire 2.0 is available as a tiered collection of packages to meet consumer needs, said the company.

TIBCO said its Silver Spotfire 2.0 overcomes the IT limitations by letting any Web user to create new analytic dashboards and applications in minutes to easily build and share insights derived from data in a way that promotes collaboration. It also streamlines the process of delivering cloud-based analytic applications and dashboards, added the company.

Silver Spotfire 2.0 enables users to embed live dashboards into their social media applications. Users can also embed dashboards within TIBCO’s tibbr offering via a stream so followers of that stream can then obtain and share real-time information.

TIBCO Spotfire product strategy vice-president Lars Bauerle said TIBCO Silver Spotfire is an easy-to-use offering that scales to meet the demands of beginner analysts all the way up to the most seasoned analysts, whether they need to analyze their sales pipeline, track invoices including budgeted and actual expenses, or examine the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

"This newly enhanced solution also offers a secure environment for a variety of business users to analyze important data in order to make better informed business decisions that can impact the bottom line," said Bauerle.

TIBCO Silver Spotfire 2.0 software supports four types of authors based on on the level of functionality needed and budge, said TIBCO.