Samsung Semiconductor is pushing for enterprise applications and storage to work more closely in a bid to enable solid-state drives (SSD) to offer a pool of computing power.

The South Korean firm is seeking industry standards for better harmonisation among those elements, as part of efforts to beef up the efficiency of data centres.

Samsung Semiconductor senior VP Bob Brennan said: "Everybody in the industry has a slightly different architecture for their controller."

The move would enable CPUs to communicate more with SSDs within a short span and later allowing SSD controllers to share application processing, Computerworld noted.

In a bid to turn these efforts into reality, Samsung is exploring two possible ways: first to enable better communication between applications and storage about their requirements.

Using that data, the controller would be able to delay storage-specific tasks, which could be executed at any time, including ‘garbage collection’.

Brennan added: "For a fully loaded SSD, if you can control garbage collection at the application level, you get about 1000x reduction in latency.

"Everyone in this room has to work together to have applications talk to storage."