Cisco has implemented predictive information management software provider Recommind’s Axcelerate Review & Analysis as its next-generation approach to end-to-end eDiscovery and regulatory compliance.
Used for defensible automated document review, Axcelerate Review & Analysis’ predictive coding technology and workflow automatically analyses, prioritises and codes all documents in a collection, helping Cisco expedite the document review process.
In addition, Axcelerate’s Predictive Analytics capabilities give Cisco deep insight into ESI by automatically categorising documents and enabling deep analysis of the data from the outset of the review process.
Cisco Legal senior manager Daniel Black said implementing powerful, flexible software from Recommind has made their entire organisation more nimble and better prepared.
"Axcelerate Review & Analysis gives us a strong foundation to develop and deploy strategic document-review processes worldwide," Black said.
Axcelerate Review & Analysis also offers extensive file type support, streamlining the process of getting data into the system and greatly reducing the need to pre-process data.
With Axcelerate, Cisco is able to process, review, analyse and produce documents simultaneously without interrupting reviewers, improving efficiency and flexibility along the eDiscovery process.
Recommind CEO Bob Tennant said the challenges Cisco faces are familiar to any enterprise or law firm that does business in today’s data-driven, highly regulatory and litigious environment..
"With Axcelerate Review & Analysis, Cisco has immediately improved its eDiscovery capabilities and will be able to take advantage of its scalability as they move forward," Tennant said.
"Not only does this make eDiscovery more efficient and ultimately more defensible, but it enables Cisco to become more proactive and strategic, benefits that affect the entire organisation."