Claris Corp’s touting a new version of its FileMaker Pro database made over for use on the web. The Apple software subsidiary says version 4.0, due in October will enable users to read and write to the database using any browser. It’s managed to integrate HTTP and CGI support in the form of a small web server. Observers say it must be similar to what Microsoft Corp will use in the forthcoming IE 4.0 as the front-end to Win98. Users should be able to access FileMaker databases directly from their desktops. FileMaker Pro is still number two supplier in the Intel/Windows market behind Microsoft Access and number one in the Mac market. FileMaker Pro will cost $200 and can be used in conjunction with the $100 Home Page 3.0 web authoring tool which competes with Microsoft’s FrontPage web. Claris got the technology from Blue World Communications Inc.