BT has introduced a new Home SmartPhone S device, which features ‘Nuisance Call Blocking’ technology that allows users block 80%of unwanted calls they receive.

The Android-powered model allows accessing internet via the home WiFi, while comes with 2GB of expandable memory to store music and photos, while also allows browsing Facebook, Twitter or Youtube, listen to the radio and as well store about 1,500 contacts.

BT customers can also download additional apps via the Opera apps store.

BT Wifi and Devices director Erik Raphael said that the new BT Home SmartPhone S allows customers to enjoy the features they would expect from a smartphone combined with the great features of a BT home phone, including nuisance call blocking to put them back in control of who they want to speak to.

"The Home SmartPhone S makes the home phone central to family life again, allowing you to look up numbers online and communicate with friends and family via email, facebook or calls," Raphael said.

The new device facilitates blocking calls from ‘international’ numbers, ‘withhold’ numbers, and unknown callers, while the ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature switches off the ringer, and allow barring outgoing calls to selected numbers.

In 2013, BT received about 50,000 nuisance calls per month into its Nuisance Calls Advice Line, while the number is claimed to be halved upon the launch of BT6500 Nuisance Call Blocker in February last year.