Azul Systems, a provider of enterprise server appliances for Java applications, has released Azul Systems Java Virtual Machine 2.5 (AVM 2.5), a virtualised JVM that includes new features, including support for the Windows platform, improved diagnostics and profiling functionality, and enhanced performance capabilities.
According to Azul, the new AVM’s production monitoring and diagnostics feature improves problem resolution cycles through production-time visibility into all aspects of running java applications, including memory profiles, thread execution profiles, and i/o interaction profiles.
Azul said that the new AVM 2.5 comes with enhanced pauseless garbage collection feature which eliminates pause time related application instability even under unpredictable application loads.
The new AVM 2.5 supports for heterogeneous Java environments – including Windows, Solaris (SPARC/x86), Linux (x86), AIX (Power), and HP-UX (PA-RISC) platforms. It also supports multiple J2SE versions – including J2SE 1.4, 5.0 and Java SE 6, the company said.
Scott Sellers, president and CEO of Azul Systems, said: “AVM 2.5 extends our reach into business-critical Java applications on the Windows platform which is important for both Enterprise and SMB markets. With our ongoing support of J2SE 1.4, 5.0 and Java SE 6, we are able to deliver the industry’s best Java platform across a broad range of Java applications.”