
Qualcomm Guns for Laptop/Tablet Market with 2 New Chips

Qualcomm has made a concerted move for the "always on" entry-level tablet/laptop market with the release today of two new…

From Snapdragon to Swoop (Via Chairs for Toddlers)

Rachel Jones didn’t start out thinking that she wanted to tackle online fraud; she began by designing an easy carry,…

Qualcomm pushes Snapdragon processors with Microsoft and Samsung

Qualcomm is set to provide its Snapdragon processors in a project with Microsoft to build what the duo are calling…

Qualcomm release Gigabit LTE AI platform amid Apple & Broadcom troubles

Amid a deluge of takeover bids, Qualcomm Technologies has brought out its latest range of "Always Connected" computer devices. With…

Qualcomm Snapdragon is now a platform, not a processor

Chip maker Qualcomm Technologies is changing the way it refers to its Snapdragon processors. The company said it will no…