
Quis Custodiet? Another SOC Provider Gets Hit by Ransomware

Cygilant, a Boston-based security firm, boasts "enterprise-class Security-as-a-Service for threat detection, response and compliance so you can sleep at night."…

Finastra, World’s Third Largest Fintech, Hit by Ransomware

UPDATED Monday 23 March 07.45 GMT, with Finastra's systems recovery comments. London-based Finastra, the world's third largest financial services software…

Have Three Major US Antivirus Companies Been Hacked?

A little-known New York-based threat intelligence company, Advanced Intelligence LLC (AdvIntel), says it has proof that three US-based antivirus companies…

Docker Hacked: 190,000 Accounts Breached

Docker, the company behind an open platform for building and running distributed applications, said on Friday that hackers had breached…