Vodafone partners with IBM on quantum-safe cybersecurity
Telecoms giant Vodafone is working with IBM to secure its network against the risk of future quantum computers that could…
Post-quantum cryptography algorithm used by AWS cracked ‘in about an hour’
A major 'post-quantum' cryptography algorithm used by AWS, Google and CloudFlare, and developed in part by Microsoft, has been cracked…
Google Crypto Expert Exposes Trio of AWS Encryption Bugs
Amazon has updated its S3 encryption client after a cryptographic expert at Google identified three security vulnerabilities in how it…
Next on Network Rail’s IT Shopping List: A Crypto Key Management System
Network Rail's sweeping digitalisation programme continues to throw up major IT contract opportunities. The latest: a £6 million contract for…
“A Skeleton Key”: NSA Warns Over Critical Microsoft Cryptography Bug
Updated 19:58, January 14, 2020, with NSA comment. Microsoft has pushed out an urgent patch for a vulnerability in a…
EXCLUSIVE – Last Punched Tape Crypto Key Rolls off the NSA’s Machines
The US's National Security Agency (NSA) has ended production of punched paper tape cryptographic keys after over 50 years' use;…
EXCLUSIVE: GCHQ, NSA Still Using Punched Paper Tape to Produce Crypto Keys
It’s the secret government organisation you’ve probably never heard of: a team some 50-strong working at the heart of British…
Introducing the League of Entropy: Randomness for All
What do a wall of lava lamps in San Francisco, seismic activity in Chile and mouse clicks and network traffic…
Microsoft’s New Cryptography Suite is “Mathematically Certain” to be Secure
Microsoft has released a new cryptographic provider – an independent software module that performs cryptography algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption –…
Microsoft Open Sources Homomorphic Encryption Library “SEAL”
Microsoft has open sourced a homomorphic encryption library developed by its Cryptography Research group, saying it “strongly believes” the technology is…