
Cryptocurrency Tether appoints accountant to prove stability of its ‘stablecoin’

Tether, the world's largest "stablecoin" cryptocurrency, has appointed an accountancy firm to verify the value of the real-world reserves which…

Can Intel’s Bitcoin chip Bonanza Mine cut crypto’s carbon footprint?

Intel is getting into blockchain after announcing the Bonanza Mine, a special type of chip designed to help Bitcoin miners…

Here’s how government policy on cryptocurrency differs around the world

Cryptocurrencies are growing in popularity by the day and governments around the world are not oblivious to the trend. Many…

No, Brazil is not making bitcoin legal tender

Reports broke this week that Brazil was poised to pass legislation recognising cryptocurrency bitcoin as legal tender. “Bitcoin will be…

What is CryptoJacking and Do You Need Protection

[caption id="attachment_323177" align="alignright" width="181"] Darren Williams[/caption] Whilst the future use and viability of Cryptocurrencies may still be up for debate,…