
AWS wants to help your business build better chatbots

Amazon's cloud platform AWS hosted its annual re:Invent conference this week, which featured the usual slew of announcements revealing new…

“Erica” Hits 10 Million Users

"Erica," a Bank of America chatbot rolled out in June 2018, has hit the 10 million user milestone and is…

This New Open Source Toolkit Aims to Give Chatbots Character

Microsoft has open sourced its latest contribution to the conversational AI sector: a toolkit to help developers "imbue their chatbots…

Telerik Releases New Version of Kendo UI

Telerik has released the second iteration of its Kendo user interface (UI) library, with new AI-ready features for conversational and…

IBM releases code for easy-build AI, blockchain and chatbots

IBM has released over 120 code patterns for creating AI, blockchain, data and cloud applications alongside the launch of its…

Chatbots could save businesses £6bn, with banks the biggest automation winners

Research has revealed that chatbots have the potential to save  businesses £6 billion , with banking and healthcare set for…

UK consumers want Meerkats and George Clooney for chatbots

The chatbot is one technology which continues to pick up speed, with companies like Facebook betting big on automated software.…

Is Facebook turning its back on AI chatbots?

Facebook has recently issued an overhaul of its chatbot system. The changelog for the new updates seems to indicate that…

Dropbox delivers open source automated cyber security with new chatbot

Dropbox is set to deliver open source automated security at scale with the newest bot to hit the market -…

Microsoft throws its weight, AI & Cloud beind transforming healthcare

Microsoft is taking a shot at breaking into healthcare by revealing cloud and artificial initiatives aimed at the industry. For…