Do your thumbs ever get tired from constant texting and browsing on your handheld gadgets?
Well, O2 have come up with a solution – the Thumbell. It is a miniature 65g weight designed to help people improve the strength of their thumbs
It comes as new research reveled that 26 million Britons suffer from thumb pain because of too much gadget use. The O2 survey found that 43% of people have had thumb pain in the last five years.
They have released the gadget along with a video of exercises and, one of my favourite viral videos I have seen in a long time, a video of thumbs (complete with hair and facial expressions) working out in Rocky-inspired scenarios before taking to a boxing ring.
(See link for video:
The amusing exercise equipment is a clever marketing tool for O2’s 4G launch at the end of August. They have given their thumb exercise videos the slogan ‘Fit for 4G’.
O2 PR rep Gavin Lewis told the Huffington Post that the Thumbell is being tested internally with hand experts from a healthcare group. Although there is a genuine concern from those at O2 over repetitive strain injury from gadget over-use, they want people to realize it is all quite light-hearted.
"We want people to enjoy it and find it funny," Lewis said. "We’re not deathly serious."
This entertaining advertising campaign comes after July’s brilliant, but bizarre ‘Be more dog’ adverts.
I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.