The FCC has passed Net Neutrality laws which will aim to enshrine the freedom and openness of the net.
The vote, which passed 3-2, sets in place rules proposed by FCC chairman Tom Wheeler which places stricter rules upon ISP’s.
The vote means that paid prioritisation over mobile and wired networks will be banned and high-speed Internet services will now be classed as a telecommunications service, meaning much stricter rules.
Voting was split down party lines as Democrats voted in favour and Republicans voted no, which has encouraged some parties to consider legal challenges.
AT&T Senior Executive Vice President-External and Legislative Affairs, Jim Ciccona wrote on the company’s blog suggesting that a long running legal battle will ensue.
Ciccona, said: "A 5-0 decision doesn’t leave a lot of room for either side to continue the argument, while a 3-2 decision, particularly on issues of such broad scope, is an invitation to revisiting the decision, over and over and over."