Corel Corp is getting serious about its hardware products, which some analysts believe may be too much of a diversion for the Canadian software company and owner of WordPerfect. It has established Corel Computer Corp to group its video, network computing and some of its Java work together to become effectively a systems integrator, using its own video, Java and desktop applications plus whatever it needs from other vendors. Corel says the Office for Java suite work will stay within the greater Corel, but Corel Computer will write Java applications to client’s requirements. Corel plans to float the new company within 12 months, and hasn’t decided whether it will retain a majority stake after that. It will be run by the parent company’s VP technology Eid Eid, who becomes the unit’s president. Michael Cowpland is chairman of both companies. The product line is centered on Corel’s video conferencing system, its Video network computer, which is due to ship some time later this year and the custom Java. About 80 employees will move to the new headquarters, which will also be in Ottawa, but away from the main building.