Here’s a short podcast I recorded yesterday with Maggy McClelland, managing director of Colt’s Managed Services division, and Steve Hughes, who is cloud and virtualisation specialist in the same division at Colt.
I was keen to know what McClelland thinks about Atos Origin UK MD’s recent comments to CBR that his clients do not want to act, as he put it, as “guinea pigs” by becoming cloud computing early adopters. Does that view resonate with what she’s seeing in the market?
I also asked whether she believes cloud computing differs from managed services as we know and understand them today; and why Colt’s Managed Services Division saw growth in its most recent quarter of almost 30%, despite Colt as a whole seeing fairly flat revenues.
Is the economy puhsing people to look to such services, or could it be internal pressures such as compliance, budget constraints and increasing infrastructure complexity (or all of the above)?
Maggy McClelland, managing director of Colt’s Managed Services division.
Later in the recording, you’ll hear Steve Hughes’ views on the role of emerging standards in cloud computing, and we discuss the current fears over cloud computing amongst many CIOs, such as governance and compliance, security, quality of service and even IT department territorialism.
Here’s the podcast then, in Windows Media format: Listen now. Click the link to stream it to your PC, or right-click it if you would like to download it to your PC and listen to it later.
Steve Hughes, cloud and virtualisation specialist, Colt Managed Services.