Bitstream has released an expanded OEM offering for its Bolt mobile browser, which comes with an optimised application and the WebKit-based, cloud-computing architecture that supports handset manufacturers and wireless operators to offer their customers desktop style web browsing on mobile phones of all types.

According to Bitstream, the Bolt mobile browser is licensed to carriers and manufacturers in four packages, as the Bolt J2ME client browser; as the Bolt lite J2ME client browser, a smaller application package for resource-constrained devices that retains all primary Bolt functionality; as the J2ME Bolt library SDK; and other platforms which are available upon request.

The Bolt mobile browser capabilities include, fast page load speeds; accurate page rendering; displays full websites just as they would appear on desktop computers; streams videos from video services such as YouTube; copy and paste text; and uploads video and photo files directly to websites from browser, the company said.

Bitstream said that the websites are first loaded by the Bolt servers and then transcoded and sent to the mobile browser application on handsets. This client/server approach maintains the integrity of web page layouts and is expected to reduce packet consumption on data networks by as much as a factor of 24:1.

In addition, the OEM edition allows handset manufacturers and wireless operators to maintain control over updates and feature sets, and can be offered in a white-labeled user interface.

Adrian Visan, development manager at AllviewMobile, said: “Bolt was chosen over competing mobile browsers because it perfectly displays Web pages on Allview phones the way people see them on their computers. Bolt is not only very fast and easy to use, it’s the only browser for mobile phones that streams videos from websites popular in Europe such as YouTube and RuTube.

“Bolt’s data compression not only assures that websites load quickly, it helps reduce the cost of browsing the Web for users of Allview phones, and has even been shown to extend battery life between recharging.”