ON Semiconductor, a supplier of silicon prodcuts, has moved to a new level of precision analogue with its new CAT8900 family of high-accuracy voltage reference integrated circuits (ICs).
The company claimed that the CAT8900 family combines high initial accuracy, low supply current consumption and a stable temperature coefficient, to enable precision performance in test equipment and portable, battery-powered data acquisition systems.
CAT8900 is suitable for use in battery powered systems where operating current needs to be minimised and there can be a great variation in supply voltages. It will source or sink up to 10mA of load current, and can for most applications, forgo the use of an output bypass capacitor, the company said.
The CAT8900 ICs are said to provide a stable, 20 parts per million per degrees Celsius (ppm/ºC) temperature coefficient.
CAT8900 devices offer accuracy of 0.02% with low, 800nA maximum supply current consumption. The low current consumption allows the CAT8900 voltage references to remain powered on continuously, with minimal battery load, the company noted.
With the low power consumption, combined with the ‘high initial accuracy’ and temperature stability of the devices, the CAT8900 ICs are expected to replace higher cost bandgap references in a wide range of portable applications. These include handheld medical devices, high resolution A/D (analog-to-digital) and D/A (digital-to-analog) converters, and precision regulator systems.
The device is supplied in a space saving three terminal SOT-23 package.