Intel Corp believes the camera will soon be as important to the personal computer as the mouse is currently, and to this end, as well as to encourage the use of ever higher-end PCs among consumers, the company has launched its Create & Share Camera Pack for less than $200. The pack includes an Intel PC camera, as well as communications software and a photo and video editing package, to enable the user to make, enhance and organize photographs or short videos that can then be sent to others on a printer, screen or over the internet. The camera package also includes the Intel Video Phone with ProShare technology. There are three versions according to the type of PC available: the Universal Serial Bus for the latest Pentiums with MMX or Pentium IIs; the PCI version for older Pentiums with a minimum 90Mhz processor; and a PCI modem version which includes a 56Kbps modem. The USB version costs $200, $300 for the PCI and $400 with the modem. Intel says ultimately, cameras will be built in to PCs and used for a variety of scanning and security applications. A spokesperson for the company said since the home consumer now has access to all sorts of professional imaging software, Intel wants to offer the opportunity to the non-professional user to try out photo imaging, video editing and the like with the opportunity to send pictures over videophone or publish them on the web all from one environment.