Not everyone will be sad to see Oracle Corp senior vice president of server technology departing Redwood Shores (CI No 3,282) to, in the standard boilerplate, pursue other interests. If Held is having to fall on his sword in order to save Oracle’s face in regards to the slow start to the NC (network computer) blitzkrieg (don’tcha love the current heartwarming poor-kid-in-the tenement- surfs-the-Infobahn with an NC TV ad?), there are a few ex- Oraclers who have taken the opportunity to cry ‘The Witch Is Dead.’ One individual, who we forbear to name, called his former colleague arrogant, and tells us an outrageous story about a fixture in Held’s contract of employment, and we quote, by which he was entitled to a chauffeur driven stretch limo to take him to and from work every day.