Facebook has introduced two new tools-Keyword Insights API and Public Feed API, for news organisations, which would allow them to track conversations of all posts on the social networking site and integrate them into broadcasts for real-time online viewing or on TV.

The new tools are currently offered to media partners including Buzzfeed, CNN, NBC’s Today Show, BSkyB, Slate and Mass Relevance, which would allow tapping the user comments on Facebook related to hashtags, embedded posts, and trending topics.

Facebook said in a statement: "We are committed to building features that improve the experience of discovering and participating in conversations about things happening in the world right now, including entertainment, sports, politics and news."

The new Public Feed API would display a real-time feed of public posts for a particular word, while the Keyword Insights API combines the overall number of posts that talk about a specific term within a given period.

Facebook’s Keyword Insights API would enable the media partners to pull posts over a period of time, which can further be sliced as per some demographic information, including gender or age.

Currently available for a small group of media partners, the new tools would be offered to additional partners in the following weeks.